Fusion KML support from Google earth Enterprise globes

As of now, there is no support of KML layers already fused with the Google Earth 3D globe using vector projects.

Google Earth Enteprise has three project types -

Raster - Imagery projects and Terrain projects

Vector - KML, csv, shp file support to build and style vector layers.

In Cesium, Raster project support is implemented as follows . I am looking for a roadmap or an issue id to provide the KML layer support for the globes built using Google Earth Enterprise. The current workaround is to re construct the vector layers using cesium API, but that is rework, also it does not preserve the style of the original layers. I am curious to know and hopefully support it in future :

  1. What are the default styles for the vector data imported in cesium api ?

  2. Would it benefit to existing clients to use fusion server created vector styles and data and serve it as part of some KML provider for Google Earth Enterprise Open Source Server?

Imagery Provider support for Google Earth Enterprise :

new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseImageryProvider(options)

Terrain provider:

new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider(options)

terrain provider - there is an implementation here:


reposting to get an idea of work and roadmap of KML for Google Earth enteprise built databases.

Hi Asmita,

I’m a little confused what you are looking for specifically, so let me know if this does not answer your question.

With GEE, we have a GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata class which return the data you can use to create terrain and imagery in Cesium.

var geeMetadata = new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseMetadata({

url : 'http://www.earthenterprise.org/3d',

proxy : new Cesium.DefaultProxy('/proxy/')


var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {

imageryProvider : new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseImageryProvider({

    metadata : geeMetadata


terrainProvider : new Cesium.GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrainProvider({

    metadata : geeMetadata


baseLayerPicker : false



For the vector data, KML is added to Cesium as a KmlDataSource, and then vector data is represented with entities.

There is no roadmap we have specifically for KML layers, but we are working on z-ordering, or layering, entities. Is that something you are looking for here with KML layers?

