GoogleEarthEnterpriseTerrain/ImageryProvider support

Are there any public examples of the new Google Earth Enterprise Imagery/Terrain Provider in Cesium? There hasn’t been very much detail added to 1.33 in Git or the blog post on it as to the experiences with GEE data layers in Cesium.



To add to this, what format is the terrain in and what is the performance like?

Greg, see this demo: Unfortunately, there are not many/any high quality servers on the public internet. Most users will have a private GEE server running on their intranet or private cloud. Terrain and imagery are currently supported. Vector support is on our long term roadmap, but we have no immediate plans for it until after 3D Tiles is finished. We are always looking for feedback and use cases, so if you have you have your own GEE server you are looking to integrate with Cesium, feel free to send me a private email with thoughts on your use case.

Simon, this is specifically for data server from the GEE Fusion Server, which is a legacy Google product that has now been made open source. You can read more about it here: Performance is not really easy to quantify, but all other things being equal, I expect GEE terrain and imagery to perform slightly worse than “web native” servers, since a little bit more work needs to be done client-side to support GEE. That being said, we have done no rigorous performance comparisons at this time and creating one would be non-trivial given all of the moving parts.

Thanks for posting the demo links and the explanations Matthew.

Theoretically could Google’s 3D building layer come through this way if Google included it in the Earth Enterprise dataset?



Greg, as far as I know Google provides absolutely no documentation as to the structure or format of their building layer so it’s impossible to say how similar it is to their terrain format. I do know that Earth Enterprise doesn’t offer any kind of 3D Models capability (it’s just terrain/imagery/2D vectors). The closest you can get is telling it to point to a KML file, but that’s no different than loading a KML file in Cesium today. I suppose if you just treated building data as terrain, it would work, but I know know how typical that is.

We believe that supporting legacy GEE installations and providing them a good migration path to Cesium is important; so we want to be a first class GEE client; but ultimately we see 3D Tiles as the future of geospatial visualization and the best way to host buildings and other large scale geospatial data (point clouds, terrain, vectors, models, etc…) for Cesium and other 3D engines. That’s why we’re working on and Cesium Composer.

If you have building data you are looking to get into Cesium, feel free to email me directly and we would be happy to try it out with our current pipeline and get you a 3D Tiles tileset of it to play with.
