We wanted to use the GEE imagery and terrain providers, but we haven’ been able to get servers working. I noticed the sandcastle application for GEE doesn’t work either.
We wanted to use the GEE imagery and terrain providers, but we haven’ been able to get servers working. I noticed the sandcastle application for GEE doesn’t work either.
Hi @Scott_Haynes,
I just reached out to another developer from the CesiumJS squad - we will follow up with an update shortly!
Apparently, earthenterprise.org - This website is for sale! - earthenterprise Resources and Information. is no longer valid? I gee server must be run locally with the appropriate url.
Sorry, I didn’t add that info about the website being for sale!
Hi Scott,
I believe the demo has been broken for a while due to changes in the server we were using, but we left it there for illustrative purposes.