Gdal problem for Making terrain from my srtm data

Since i’ve tried to make terrain in cesium, I followed this tutorial :

However, I have my own srtm data that needs to be built in image pyramid inside geoserver, based on this tutorial :

But I have a problem in generating imagepyramid inside my folder using gdal command prompt
I wrote down the command :

mkdir bmpyramid -v -r bilinear -levels 4 -ps 2048 2048 -co "TILED=YES" -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" -targetDir bmpyramid bmreduced.tiff

Output :

C:\Arcgis 10.0\python26… there’s no such file …\

Can anyone help me solving this problem, I’ve tried to gether any information about this but I still have no idea
Sorry but, I’m still new with this map programming

Thank you
Best regards

Hello, from your message, I suppose that your OS is a windows and you installed ARCGIS solution. I don't work with arcgis solution but I can suggest you to install a complete GDAL environment:
- FWTools
- OSGEO4W that I use

Hello :smiley:

Thanks for your help

I have already installed them, and I have installed python too, but still, this massage : C:\Arcgis 10.0\python26… there’s no such file …\

maybe I don’t know how to use it properly

It’s very new for me, can I find another tutorial that has more detail instruction for it?

I don't know for FWTools but OSGEO4W comes with its own Python environment and the binding between Python and GDAL tools. You should just check in the installer that GDAL Tools and Python will be installed. Thus the installer will determine the other libraries needed to be compliant to your requirements

Oh I see, the “lib” section right?

I’ll check it out

Thanks so much

I suggest you to use the Osgeo4w shell, which sets the required enviromental variables to use the bundled Python (and the other tools, comprising GDAL).
