Geoserver Terrain Provider calling from requirejs

Hello do anyone know how to call the plugin GeoserverTerrainProvider.js using requirejs. Because when every time I try to call it gives ReferenceError : Cesium is not defined.

Hmm, are you making sure to require/include Cesium before GeoserverTerrainProvider.js?
That would explain the reference error.

(Otherwise, I think more information about your project is needed to figure out what’s wrong.)

Did Brian’s recommendation work?

It always gave an error saying Cesium is not defined.

What exactly my problem is that I have made some few minor changes to my Cesium SOURCE and I am not using the BUILD version of Cesium. So including cesium.js is not an option.

I have made to make use of REQUIRE to manage the dependencies which I have very limited knowledge for now.

This below is the sample of how I call Cesium...
Can anyone tell me where should I add the dependencies for GeoserverTerrainProvider.js

Sample Of My Code:

require(['jquery','Cesium'], function(jQuery,Cesium) {
    "use strict";
    require(['jquery-ui'], function() {
        "use strict";
            viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
                baseLayerPicker : true,
                infoBox : false
            var terrainProvider = new Cesium.GeoserverTerrainProvider({
                url : "http://localhost:7085/geoserver/training/wms",
                layerName: "training:pyramid",

Even if you’ve customized the Cesium source, you should be able to generate a build that does include your modifications.'s-Guide#build-the-code

Make sure you configure RequireJS to find your custom Cesium source, and list that as a dependency for GeoserverTerrainProvider. Example–

    paths: {
        "Cesium": "path/to/Cesium.js",
        "GeoserverTerrainProvider": "path/to/GeoserverTerrainProvider.js",
        ... <etc> ...
    shim: {
        "GeoserverTerrainProvider": ["Cesium"]

before your

require(['Ceisum'], function(Cesium) {

Thank You Brian for assistant, somehow now I feel am progressing and have a strong feeling that I will be able to say my custom terrain.
However somehow I guess the dependency problem is gone.
But there is another problem now...
After changing the code and running the browser is showing the following error..

TypeError : Cesium.GeoserverTerrainProvider is not a constructor

What could be the reason now??
And will be very grateful if you can direct me how to resolve this error..

can you post an example of how your using it? I was also wondering what actual service type you’re using with GeoServer?

Hello Mike!

As per Brian suggestion these is how I have edited my code. The following line you will get the scriplet of my code.

    paths: {
        "GeoserverTerrainProvider": "../GeoserverTerrainProvider"
    shim: {
        "GeoserverTerrainProvider": ['Cesium']

require(['jquery','Cesium'], function(jQuery,Cesium) {
    "use strict";
    require(['jquery-ui'], function() {
        "use strict";
        viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
            baseLayerPicker : true,
            infoBox : false
        var terrainProvider = new Cesium.GeoserverTerrainProvider({
            url : "http://localhost:7085/geoserver/training/wms",
            layerName: "training:pyramid",

        viewer.terrainProvider = terrainProvider;
        var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;

        var scene = viewer.scene;

I recommend a break point on this line:

var terrainProvider = new Cesium.GeoserverTerrainProvider({

Then inspect what Cesium.GeoserverTerrainProvider is. I don’t think require is loading GeoserverTerrainProvider provider correctly.