I'm rendering a entity with a glb model. Then the camera is positioned so the entity is in view after I click it.
I want to add HTML elements to serround the model.
To do that I need to know the boundaries of the model in the current camera view.
Is there a function to get those values? I mean the value in px.
Thanks alot!
This thread has some discussion on how to compute the bounding area of a given entity:
Let me know if it helps!
I read that discuttion but couldent make it to work for me. Is there any other way?
Can you please show a code example on Sandcastle (https://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html) that I can run of the code you tried? Is it giving you an error, or an incorrect result? If so, can you share a screenshot of it?