I could get it to work with a single model but could not figure out how to manage extrapolation of approximately 20 models. The position data is real time for 20 models coming in through websocat server with 2-8 seconds time interval (different for each entity), I want to extrapolate the models between updates in order to give them a smoothing effect and not make them jumpy.
NOTE: New to cesium, if I’m missing something very obvious or more information is needed please let me know.
SampledProperty could help you!
Assume you have the data structure like:
id: 1,
longitude: 100,
latitude: 20,
time: 1887766554433
Recommend you use a map
to store your entities
const map = new Map<number, Cesium.Entity>()
// ...
const e = viewer.entities.add(/* */)
map.set(id, e)
So you can easily check your data in websocket callback.
Use SampledProperty to make it move smoothly
const e = viewer.entities.add({
position: new Cesium.SampledPositionProperty()
// to update it
const pos = e.position
pos.addSample(/* ... */)