How to access a .3dtiles file from CesiumJS

I've recently discovered the "tilesetToDatabase" tool.

Having only one large file makes handling larger tilesets much easier. What a great idea.

How can a .3dtiles file be accessed by cesiumJS viewer?

This is something we’ve been wanting to document for some time now. We don’t have an open source server that can serve .3dtiles files (the one that ships with the ion CLI can do this - but basically you’d need to write a server that can read the database file and serve the tiles to the incoming requests.

Thanks for the reply Omar.

How does one call an asset from a source other the Cesium?
Currently url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(###) calls assets from Cesium, but what if I have my own .3dtile server. How is that accessed from the CesiumJS ?

The answer is very clear.

Please pass to CesiumViewer your tileset URL which is hosted in your tile server.


new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({

url: yourTilesetURL,


If you have a .3dtiles file, you would first need to convert it to a static directory of files, with an open source tool like this:

And then you can host it on any static server.