i can use the following code to add a polygon with water material on the globe,but i want to the polygon’s height is changing along with the time, so i use czml to add polygon, but i can’t find the “polygon.material.water” property in the czml content.is there other way to resolve this problem? thanks
part 1:
var watetMe = new Cesium.Material({
fabric : {
type : ‘Water’,
uniforms : {
//specularMap: ‘…/images/earthspec1k.jpg’,
normalMap: ‘Assets/Textures/waterNormalsSmall.jpg’,
frequency: 100000.0,
animationSpeed: 0.06,
amplitude: 1.8
this.viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Polygon({
positions : positions,
material : watetMe