How to change the terrain of cesium for unreal? What type is the Ceisum World Terrain?

How to change the terrain of cesium for unreal? What type is the Ceisum World Terrain data?

Hi @yuan1405,

Currently, the Cesium World Terrain uses quantized mesh format. GitHub - CesiumGS/quantized-mesh: Specification for streaming massive terrain datasets for 3D visualization..

Beside that the terrain data should have layer.json file which provide metadata information about the whole terrain, for example, tile availability, projection, etc. The detail of the layer.json is unfortunately not very well documented. You can take a look at its format by going to the cesiumJS sandcastle here and search for layer.json in the network tab to see its format. Please let me know if you have any questions.


hi BoaTran
Does cesium for ue4 can only load terrain in quantized-mesh format? If I want load .tiff terrain from my own server, is it possible?

Hi @duanmang,

yes the cesium for ue4 should work for quantized-mesh format

