How to get extent (Grid) from map?

Hi cesium family, I want to load many 3d tilesets on cesium map from citydb database using grid concept. I mean, if I’ll zoom in/zoom out the map or pane the map, i want to read the extent of map on screen and want to load 3d tileset for that particular extent. Is there any way to get map extent on zoom in/ zoom out or pane?.
I really need help to implement this concept. Please let me know if anyone have implemented this concept in cesiumjs.

Thanks & Regards
basant Lal

Hi @basant1431,
It seems like you are asking for Bounding Box of current camera view. If it is, you can get it by using computeViewRectangle. Here is the sandcastle example.

Let us know if it helped you or not.

  • Regards