Hi all,
Is there a way for me to auto-rotate the globe?
Previously, I found this few lines of codes in this thread, I think, and tested it out:
var lastNow = Date.now();
viewer.clock.onTick.addEventListener(function(clock) {
var now = Date.now();
var spinRate = 0.08;
var delta = (now - lastNow) / 1000;
lastNow = now;
viewer.scene.camera.rotate(Cesium.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, -spinRate * delta);
So with these lines of codes, the globe/camera (i'm not sure which) was able to rotate on its own. However as I changed the view to either 2D Map or 2.5D Columbus View, they will rotate as well.
Therefore my question is, how do I only make the 3D globe rotate?
Appreciate any help!