With DEM loaded, all my buildings are sank into the ground…and there is no clamp to ground option for Cesium3DTileset, so how may I improve that?
Plus, the DEM is translucent, so by some certain angles you can see building trough mountains, it’s really weird.
Also, I found many debug tools under Cesium3DTileset, like debugShowBoundingVolume, debugShowMemoryUsage and many.
Like described, " When true, draws labels to indicate the texture and geometry memory in megabytes used by each tile.", exactly where did it draw labels and how to show them?
Are you using Cesium ion to tile your DEM ? You can clamp your buildings to terrain while tiling. On ion there should be an option to select a terrain asset to clamp to when you upload your buildings.
For the debug labels, if you zoom in on any particular tile/set of tiles you should be able to more clearly read it. If you have a suggestion for how to make this more useful we’re eager to hear it!
Just to clarify, the option to clamp your buildings to a given terrain will come up when tiling the buildings. So you’d upload your terrain first so you can use it while tiling the buildings.