I'm trying to synchronize two views like in the sandcastle example.
While moving the camera up, the heading of the synced view becomes incorrect when I go over the pole (it is still with north up, though it should be south up). I wish the two views to behave the same way and to avoid this.
Can you help with this please?
// We want our two views to be synced across time, so we create
// a shared clock object that both views share
var clockViewModel = new Cesium.ClockViewModel();
var options3D1 = {
fullscreenButton : false,
sceneModePicker : false,
clockViewModel : clockViewModel
var options3D2 = {
homeButton : false,
fullscreenButton : false,
sceneModePicker : false,
clockViewModel : clockViewModel,
infoBox : false,
geocoder : false,
//sceneMode : Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE2D,
navigationHelpButton : false,
animation : false
// We create two 3D viewers
// The CSS is set up to place them side by side
var view3D1 = new Cesium.Viewer('view3D', options3D1);
var view3D2 = new Cesium.Viewer('view2D', options3D2);
var worldPosition;
var distance;
function sync2DView() {
// The center of the view is the point that the 3D camera is focusing on
var viewCenter = new Cesium.Cartesian2(Math.floor(view3D1.canvas.clientWidth / 2), Math.floor(view3D1.canvas.clientHeight / 2));
// Given the pixel in the center, get the world position
var newWorldPosition = view3D1.scene.camera.pickEllipsoid(viewCenter);
if (Cesium.defined(newWorldPosition)){
// Guard against the case where the center of the screen
// does not fall on a position on the globe
worldPosition = newWorldPosition;
// Get the distance between the world position of the point the camera is focusing on, and the camera's world position
distance = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(worldPosition, view3D1.scene.camera.positionWC);
// Tell the 2D camera to look at the point of focus. The distance controls how zoomed in the 2D view is
// (try replacing `distance` in the line below with `1e7`. The view will still sync, but will have a constant zoom)
view3D2.scene.camera.lookAt(worldPosition, new Cesium.Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, distance));
// Apply our sync function every time the 3D camera view changes
// By default, the `camera.changed` event will trigger when the camera has changed by 50%
// To make it more sensitive, we can bring down this sensitivity
view3D1.camera.percentageChanged = 0.000000001;
// Since the second view follows the first view, we disable any
// camera movement on the second view
view3D2.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableRotate = false;
view3D2.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableTranslate = false;
view3D2.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableZoom = false;
view3D2.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableTilt = false;
view3D2.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.enableLook = false;
var main_interval = setInterval(moveup, 10);
function moveup() {
view3D1.scene.camera.rotate(view3D1.scene.camera.right, 0.001);
Cesium 1.50
Chrome 70