Hi! I’m not sure how to update my Cesium for Unity package version to the latest one, as I haven’t find any button to ‘Update’. Also I didn’t try uninstall because I’m not sure whether it will drop all my work in cesium before.
Usually when there’s an update to the package, there’s a button that allows you to update to the latest versions. There should also be an option to switch between later / older versions, so I’m not sure why that isn’t appearing for you. Can you please describe how you installed Cesium for Unity? It will make a difference if you installed it through our scoped registry, or if you downloaded the binaries yourself through our releases page.
I think I have installed my package by scoped registry, and I cannot found the button to update. But I do find something weird: I have 2 1.9.0 version, one requested and one installed. I’m not sure whether this is the problem?
My package manager shows that I have scoped registry.
That’s definitely strange. It seems like you may have installed a copy of the 1.9.0 version through a different method, and it’s conflicting with the package manager?
I would suggest uninstalling the extra copy and seeing what happens. I don’t believe anything should break in your project, but you can make a backup if you’d like to be sure.
I have solved this problem by uninstall 1.9.0 custom package. It seems that I have installed 2 cesium package, as when I uninstalled the custom one, I can normally use update/remove button from scoped registry.
Thought I’m not sure how can I install two cesium for unity package…But thankfully this problem can be solved easily!