I am attempting to implement a custom TilingScheme. I'm getting foiled by the check in ImageryLayer.prototype._reprojectTexture() which checks if this._imageryProvider.tilingScheme instanceof GeographicTilingScheme.
Shouldn't that be checking this._imageryProvider.projection instanceof GeographicProjection instead?
I'm attempting to implement a TilngScheme that passes through to an OpenLayers' TileGrid class (for use in/with ol-cesium). The OpenLayers class is better for handling providers which have zoom factors other than 2 or zoom levels which do not have a consistent zoom factor between them (think WMTS or GeoPackage tiles where the creator ignores all common sense and compatibility).
Alternatively, if Cesium had a similar arbitrary tiling scheme, I could also use that.
I can make a PR for this if you like the idea.