Improve Ambient Occlusion

Hi there!

I’m playing with an Ambient Occlusion in Cesium, looking for a clean and sharp look, looking like this

but now my sandcastle looks preety bad and grained
Link to AO example on Sandcastle

blurring is also a bad solution

Is it possible to increase the resolution of HBAO pass (now it’s 256 x 256 px) to improve quality?
Or to implement this THREE.JS approach

thank you!

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that’s my example, I’ll post it there due to limitations on uploading images

I think we’d be happy to review a pull request to increase the resolution and/or improve this technique in general! Have you tried doing this in the CesiumJS source?

Are there any relevant improvements in the recent version? It is true that cesium is not as effective as threejs. AO is a big factor. If this aspect is done well, it will improve a lot.


I added this request to GitHub to help determine priority. Thanks!

Also, we’d be happy to review a contribution!