Instanced 3d tileset: poor performance with large object model


I generated 3d instanced tileset for test purposes, using i3dm.export tool. The tileset is small, it contains only 90 instances. When I use small object model, everything works fine. But when I replace it with large object model (approximately 120 mb), the rendering performance becomes very poor, Unreal Editor almost hangs.

Is there any way to solve the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, thanks for trying this out and reporting a problem. Is it possible that you are simply running into a vertex limit on the hardware with a complex, replicated model? If you can make your tileset available, I’m happy to take a look and see if there’s some problem with the i3dm → EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing conversion and implementation in the Cesium for Unreal plugin.

Does the tileset appear to be rendered correctly?