I am still pretty new to cesium, so please bear with me if this question seems foolish.
Is it possible to create an offline instance/version of cesium sandcastle on a local https server or otherwise? If so, where might be the relevant guides to do so located?
I would like to be able to run code offline as I do online in cesium sandcastle, but do not know it if it’s possible.
Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium.git cd cesium
Install the dependencies npm install
Build CesiumJS npm run build
Start it npm run start
then it will already start a local server, and print
Cesium development server running locally. Connect to http://localhost:8080/
When you open http://localhost:8080/ in the browser, you’ll see a (local) website with a list of things that you can do, like starting the main Cesium Viewer, the test suite, but also the Sandcastle: It will be available at http://localhost:8080/Apps/Sandcastle/
Note that by default, CesiumJS still requires an internet connection, e.g. for downloading terrain data and such. But there also is a sandcastle that is just called ‘Offline’. This does not require a connection.
(Its online version is Cesium Sandcastle … and yeah… that does need a connection … but your local version won’t )
What about, instead, a template HTML file where to just paste sandcastle javascript code and get it immediately working, i.e. with all dependencies autoamtically retrieved online?
When you have a sandcastle open, then there’s that “Open in New Window” button that will open that sandcastle in a new window. In this case, the sandcastle source code will be part of the URL, like