Hi All,
I’m running into issues with rendering certain polygons which throws the following exception (v1.26):
An error occurred while rendering. Rendering has stopped.
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘center’ of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘center’ of undefined
at updateBatchTableBoundingSpheres (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:93495:40)
at Primitive.update (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:93890:13)
at PrimitiveCollection.update (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:157993:27)
at updatePrimitives (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:166212:27)
at executeCommandsInViewport (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:166122:9)
at updateAndExecuteCommands (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:165990:17)
at render (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:166420:9)
at Scene.render (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:166458:13)
at CesiumWidget.render (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:175280:25)
at render (…/CesiumUnminified/Cesium.js:174676:32)
What we do is streaming (event-stream) the data (testing with polygons - only using the exterior ring for now) in czml format (using cesium writer). The implementation works well, and don’t think there is an issue / problem with the way we are doing it. With smaller datasets, cesium renders the geometries correctly. However, increasing the volume to about 1000 polygons, we get the error above.
What I’ve found is that the boundingSpheres for some polygons are null / undefined.
Is there an easy way to identify the polygons causing the exception? Since we are using the CzmlDataSource() and the process function, as a packet becomes available, there is not much room for troubleshooting…
Any pointers / advice would greatly be appreciated.