Dear Cesium,
I am confused on the definition of the frames behind the display of a gltf model.
I display a model with the following quaternion in the czml orientation entry = [0,0,0,1]. I would expect the frame to align with the ITRF, that is x-axis points to prime meridian, z-axis points to the north pole and y-axis completes the frame. Yet, the pointing is different. It is in fact the z-axis pointing to the prime meridian and y-axis pointing north.
I tried with my own axes model, created in FreeCAD and with the Cesium_Air airplane.
The colors red, green and blue correspond to x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. Well at least in the FreeCAD editor, but also when displaying the models for example in
Is there anything obvious I am doing wrong ? Or the ITRF in Cesium has a different convention on axes…