KML clampping to 3Dtiles

Hello everyone, I am currently using cesium 1.121 and I loaded the kml file in the picture. It does not say gx:AltitudeMode on the polygon on the left, but it does on the polygons on the right. The code section is below. I want to determine it with cesium settings instead of the value written in the kml. How can I follow?

const kmlDataSource = await CesiumJs.KmlDataSource.load(kmlText, {
            canvas: CesiumViewer.scene.canvas,
            clampToGround: true,
          const entities = kmlDataSource.entities.values;
          entities.forEach((entity:any) => {
            // Poligonların zeminle hizalanması
           if (entity.polygon) {
             entity.polygon.heightReference = CesiumJs.HeightReference.NONE;
             entity.polygon.extrudedHeightReference = CesiumJs.HeightReference.NONE;