KML loading fo new version 1.8

Hello All,

I am not sure this is a limitation or a bug but I found that the new version 1.8 failed to load a KML file with a 180 tag in tag. I tried to load 2 KML files they are almost identical. The only difference is the 179<.east> and 180 tags. The one qith 179 was loading fine and the other one failed to load. I attached my source and 2 KML files here:


  var entity = entities[0];
  var rectangle = entity.rectangle;

          new Cesium.SingleTileImageryProvider({
              url : url,
              rectangle : rectangle

var entities = dataSource.entities.values;
var length = entities.length;var url = rectangle.material.image.getValue();
rectangle = rectangle.coordinates.getValue();
var opacity = 1.0;
var child = addAdditionalLayerOption(

Here is my first KML with the 179

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> SPEED-NORAIN_RAPIDSCAT_999_201504042251_201504050024 0 SPEED-NORAIN_RAPIDSCAT_999_201504042251_201504050024.png 60.0-60.0179-180

and here is the KML with the 179

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> SPEED-NORAIN_RAPIDSCAT_999_201504042251_201504050024 0 SPEED-NORAIN_RAPIDSCAT_999_201504042251_201504050024.png 60.0-60.0180-180

You can test them at:


Does anyone have the same problem that I have or know how to solve this.


Quoc, please be respectful of everyone’s time and do not create duplicate posts. We all saw your message from 12 hours ago. Posting again so soon just adds noise to an already busy mailing list. If a few days go by and you don’t get a message, it’s better to reply to your original post rather than simply posting the same thing a second time.

It just so happens I was already looking at your issue, which appears to be a bug in Cesium.

Sorry for the duplication Matthew.