If the format is in a known tiling scheme, such as TMS or WMS; then you can just host the imagery on the server and use one of Cesium’s built in imagery layers to show it. This blog post/tutorial may provide some helpful information on our imagery system: http://cesiumjs.org/2013/01/04/Cesium-Imagery-Layers-Tutorial/
We will eventually support loading GroundOverlays in KML directly, but converting to a standard imagery layer is your best bet for now.
so, maybe i don’t understand all, but I reorginize my tiles as for Slippy map tiles (ZXY format) and load them using OpenStreetMapImageryProvider, also I add bounding Rectange as param, but when I zoom I see only one image in time
so I have only tiles and geo information only in kml, so i haven’t geotif to use TMS, f.e.