KML Placemark ID Name on Map hard to see

Is there a way to make the KML ID of a Placemark to show up better on the map ? Is there an option or a way to make it Bold or even change the Color of the ID ?

Hi @micelic,

Thank you for your question and for sending over a sandcastle example with your current progress. Are you looking to edit the text styling or the billboard styling? If you are looking to edit the styling of the text, I recommend checkout out the Label documentation.

Members such a fillColor might be particularly useful.


Hi Sam,

Trying to make the Placemark ID more legible by changing the Font and Bold and possibly the color. The library is getting the label from the .KML file. Not sure if this example you sent me will make this change.



Hi Sam,

Need to make the ID’s of placemarks more readable. You solution will not work . Please let me know how this can be done. Look at the sandcastle I sent you and the ID’s in the KML file is what I need to enhance.

Label will not work



Hi Carlo, you might be interested in this discussion I started quite some time ago. I don’t have a great answer for you. I handle this by loading the KML, then manually iterating over the DataSource’s entities collection and updating the label properties on each. If you call entities.suspendEvents(), then iterate over entities.values, then call entities.resumeEvents(), performance isn’t too bad and you only have to do it once. Of course, if your KML comes from a NetworkLink, you have to watch for changes, which would be a great reason to get some more attention on the discussion I linked and push for a better solution from Cesium…

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Hi @micelic,

I think @James_B is suggesting a promising workaround. As alluded to above, the runtime performance may not be optimal, however, it seems functional for most applications. Is your KML from a NetworkLink?
