KML Tours

Hi I'm working on KML Tours support in Cesium.

There is two points:

1. Parse Tour,FlyTo, Camera LookAt entries from KML
2. Play tour, actually animate Cesium Camera.

I've made parsing, but for the actual tour play, I use player which isn't good enough for Cesium. The right way for playback, would be creating composite camera animation tween, but I just call camera.flyTo and wait one by one, which isn't the right way of doing that for Cesium.

Would it be right if I create separate PR only for KML Tour entries parsing part? And leave the actual playback implementation for later release?

Hi there,

That sounds like a good plan! We’d also suggest you expose Tours with a tours attribute in KmlDataSource.

We’re very excited for your contribution and look forward to your PR! I know the entire Cesium community will find this very useful. Please let us know if you need further guidance.

For now, in case you’re not familiar, he’s our contributor’s guide:


  • Rachel

Hi Rachel,

I’ve updated my pull request

can you take a look please?

I bumped your pull request in GitHub. Generally you’ll get better response time if you bump it there. Also if you @ mention your reviewer, they’ll definitely get the notification and take a look.



In case anyone is following this thread, the PR ( has been merged.

