1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
Cesium chokes on KMLs with anchor tags that dont have a href attribute.
The sandcastle writes this message to the console:
TypeError: Unable to get property ‘url’ of undefined or null reference
TypeError: Unable to get property ‘url’ of undefined or null reference
I think this was introduced in this commit:
In this case, resolveHref is returning undefined instead of a Resource. The code is failing because resource is an undefined reference.
- var uri = resolveHref(value, proxy, sourceUri, query);
- element.setAttribute(attributeName, uri);
- var resource = resolveHref(value, sourceResource);
- element.setAttribute(attributeName, resource.url);
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
Please paste the code block into a Sandcastle.The Share button seems to be having issues.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);
var options = {
camera : viewer.scene.camera,
canvas : viewer.scene.canvas
//sample KML portion of http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/kml/sundials.kml
var kmlDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
‘<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘Sundial Collection.kmz’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘1.2’ +
‘’ +
‘http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/sunny.png’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘ff00aaff’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘Sundial Collection’ +
‘1’ +
‘’ +
‘-56.6884384968692’ +
‘47.91963617483238’ +
‘0’ +
‘9958750.824018393’ +
‘1.303827428939919e-015’ +
‘-16.31426621668193’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘check’ +
‘00ffffff’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘High Resolution’ +
‘’ +
‘Sundial with light conductors - Paris, Les Halles’ +
<img’ + ‘src=“http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/ahaenel/sonnuhr/paris1.jpg”>
’ +‘The sunlight falls on one of the three windows in the column (east, south, west) and over light’ + ‘conductors on the wall is indicated.’ +
‘The clock shows 16,40 o'clock.’ +
// This is the line of interest
‘Quelle:http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/ahaenel/sonnuhr/paris_halles.htm’ +
‘Pages perso Orange - Domaine obsolète]]>’ +
‘’ +
‘2.344185113917775’ +
‘48.86294270160059’ +
‘0’ +
‘39.52787486507292’ +
‘0’ +
‘-0.003533584730563007’ +
‘’ +
‘#sn_sunny_copy68’ +
‘’ +
‘2.344143312335305,48.86302323987447,0’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’ +
‘’, “application/xml”);
//Load the KML object and move camera to point to it.
Cesium.KmlDataSource.load(kmlDocument, options)
3. Context. Why do you need to do this? We might know a better way to accomplish your goal.
I want to load this KML in Cesium. It is a portion of http://dev.openlayers.org/examples/kml/sundials.kml
4. The Cesium version you’re using, your operating system and browser.
Browser: Edge.
OS: Windows 10.
Cesium Version:
1.43 - KML Fails to load - http://cesiumjs.org/releases/1.43/Apps/Sandcastle/
1.42.1 - KML Fails to load - http://cesiumjs.org/releases/1.42/Apps/Sandcastle/
1.41 - KML loads - http://cesiumjs.org/releases/1.41/Apps/Sandcastle/
** In 1.41, none of the Bing Maps layers load for me. Not quite sure what’s going on here.
It loads in Google Earth.
Thanks for all your help!