KMZ not showing textures


I’m trying to upload a .kmz to Cesium ion and the texture is missing in Cesium but it is showing in Google Earth PRO.

The Cesium ion ID is: 2739864



Thank you for reporting this problem. I have opened an issue for our team to investigate the problem further.



Thanks! If there is any more info you need from my side, please let me now.

Best regards,

The reason for the issue is currently still investigated.

In the meantime, a short hint and possible workaround: The .DAE file that is contained in the KMZ contains

    <image id="tex-a6dc832b-d23c-4527-a583-bb68d7dcc1f9">

But these images are not contained in a scenebnb subdirectory. Instead, they are contained in the same directory as the DAE file.

After changing these image references to

    <image id="tex-a6dc832b-d23c-4527-a583-bb68d7dcc1f9">

(i.e. omitting the scenebnb/ part), the asset could be tiled successfully.

This is only a workarodund for now. There is some ResourceMap in the KML that may be relevant here, but until these details are sorted out, you could at least generate a valid tileset when the input DAE is modified accordingly.