I create a label entity on my view , I set the font size 13px, then it looks not clear. My cesium’s version is 1.28.
The code as follows:
I create a label entity on my view , I set the font size 13px, then it looks not clear. My cesium’s version is 1.28.
The code as follows:
This is a known issue, we have some details written up here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/issues/4235
You can try setting viewer.scene.fxaa = false; to see if that helps make the text more clear.
Thank you very much! I also changed the BillboardCollection.glsl,and it showed better! Please forgive my poor English…
在 2016年12月14日星期三 UTC+8上午1:15:26,Hannah Pinkos写道: