Label text misaligned

I’m experiencing the bug here: Small fonts have misaligned glyphs · Issue #8474 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub
where label text doesn’t look right.
I tried the suggestion to use a canvas in a billboard here: Small fonts have misaligned glyphs · Issue #8474 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub

The billboard solution worked great when there were just a few. When I had dozens, some of them have problems. You can see in this screenshot the label on the top (uses billboard) has “p” and “f” letters that are messed up. The label on the bottom (traditional label) has letters that aren’t aligned.


Is there any other workaround to this bug?

I found that keeping the font at 30px and using scale or scaleByDistance made it look much better. And in some cases scaleByDistance worked better than scale. I set nearValue and farValue to the same thing.