Load system problem

hello, i’m using cesium with reactJS and i have a problem to load 1000 pointPrimitive to the system.
I’m loading 10 in one second and when it’s arrived to 1000 my system is stuck…
Can you help me with that? is it possible that cesium not support more than thousand points?
thank you!

Can you create a Sandcastle example that demonstrates the problem? What’s your target system?

here is an example of my code:

                  props.panachTargets.length > 0 && props.panachTargets.map((id) =>
                        position={Cartesian3.fromDegrees(+id.lng, +id.lat, 0)}
                        position={Cartesian3.fromDegrees(+id.estLng, +id.estLat, 0)}
                        color={id.distance < 10 ? Color.GREENYELLOW : id.distance < 20 ? Color.YELLOW : Color.RED}

i’m using cesium with react (Resium) and i have a problem that it’s very heavy and slow.
when i’m trying to load 1000 pointPrimitive my system stuck…

thank you!