Load two 3d tilesets, color interfere with each other

When I load two 3d tilesets, using
var tree = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url: Cesium.buildModuleUrl(’…/…/…/…/Source/20095v1/tileset.json’)}));
var city = viewer.scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url: Cesium.buildModuleUrl(’…/…/…/…/Source/bigTiles/tileset.json’)}));

and set the style using
var treeStyle = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
color : “color(‘green’)”,
show: true
tree.style = treeStyle;
var defaultStyle = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
color : “color(‘red’)”,
show : true
city.style = defaultStyle;

The scene renders as normal at first, but when I move my mouse to hover over the trees, it will change color to red(the city’s color). Or if I move my mouse to hover over the building, it will turn into green. These two behaviours appear alternately. I have attached three photos to illustrate what i mean

Thanks for opening this thread. Could you please send a Sandcastle showing an example of your code?

Hi Eli, thank you for the reply! Due to the fact I am using local data for 3d tiles I am not able to put it into a sandcastle example. However I am just using the nyc workshop template with my own data. I am just wondering am I loading two tilesets and set their styles in the correct way? The pattern I found is whichever tileset I hover my mouse over first, the other tileset will be set to the same color. For example, if I hover my mouse over building first, trees will be set to red after I hover over them and vice versa.

I am able to fix this issue by turning off 3d tile inspector and the debug window that shows fps.

am I loading two tilesets and set their styles in the correct way?

Yeah, your code looks correct to me. Just in case, here is an example of some styling options.

I am able to fix this issue by turning off 3d tile inspector and the debug window that shows fps.

This seems interesting… could you share the code you’re using to handle mouseover events that update the tileset styling?

I am using the exact same code in feature picking sandcastle Cesium Sandcastle when silhouette is not supported. And the mouse over event seems to be turned on automatically with 3d tile inspector on, I was just trying to override that behaviour by using the code from feature picking sandcastle but with no success