So, I load my geojson data as how this Cesium Sandcastle does. However, if I zoom into the location, there are black areas that are blocking my geometry. If I use clmaptoground = true, it solves the problem but the outlines are then hidden. If I added some extruded height, the problem is also solved. However, I would like not to add the extruded height rather. I have the default empty ellipsoid terrain({}).
Is it because the terrain is causing the problem? How do I change to a terrain that does not have heights?
.then(function(data) {
//Add data source
//Get the array of entities
var entities = data.entities.values
for (var i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
var entity = entities[i]
var name =
if (countrySet.includes(name)) {
var colorIndex = countrySet.indexOf(name)
var color = self.cesiumIns.Color.fromCssColorString(
//Set the color
entity.polygon.material = color
//Remove the outlines.
entity.polygon.outline = true
entity.polygon.outlineColor = self.cesiumIns.Color.SLATEGREY