LoadImage usage with Billboard and TimeIntervalCollectionProperty

I am trying to load a different image into a billboard based on the time. I can do this by setting a different url in the data field of a timeIntervalCollectionProperty and setting this to the billboard.image property. However, I had thought that it would be best-practice to do the following:
Use Cesium.When with LoadImage and first load all of the images. Then, when loaded, set the image to a timeIntervalCollectionProperty that has the data set to the loaded image (not the url.

Below is an adjustment to one of the sandbox examples that shows my issue. Using billboard : bb2 works, while using billboard:bb does not work.

Is it acceptable to just use the url? Will Cesium re-use the image in the background if it is used by another entry in the timeIntervalCollectionProperty?

var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer', {
    terrainProviderViewModels : , //Disable terrain changing
    infoBox : false, //Disable InfoBox widget
    selectionIndicator : false //Disable selection indicator

//Set the random number seed for consistent results.

//Set bounds of our simulation time
var start = Cesium.JulianDate.fromDate(new Date(2015, 2, 25, 16));
var stop = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds(start, 360, new Cesium.JulianDate());

//Make sure viewer is at the desired time.
viewer.clock.startTime = start.clone();
viewer.clock.stopTime = stop.clone();
viewer.clock.currentTime = start.clone();
viewer.clock.clockRange = Cesium.ClockRange.LOOP_STOP; //Loop at the end
viewer.clock.multiplier = 10;

//Set timeline to simulation bounds
viewer.timeline.zoomTo(start, stop);

//Generate a random circular pattern with varying heights.
function computeCirclularFlight(lon, lat, radius) {
    var property = new Cesium.SampledPositionProperty();
    for (var i = 0; i <= 360; i += 45) {
        var radians = Cesium.Math.toRadians(i);
        var time = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds(start, i, new Cesium.JulianDate());
        var position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon + (radius * 1.5 * Math.cos(radians)), lat + (radius * Math.sin(radians)), Cesium.Math.nextRandomNumber() * 500 + 1750);
        property.addSample(time, position);

        //Also create a point for each sample we generate.
            position : position,
    return property;

function computeCirclularFlightImage(lon, lat, radius,images) {
    var property = new Cesium.TimeIntervalCollectionProperty();
    var startTime = start;
    for (var i = 0; i <= 360; i += 45) {
        var radians = Cesium.Math.toRadians(i);
        var time = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds(start, i, new Cesium.JulianDate());
        var position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon + (radius * 1.5 * Math.cos(radians)), lat + (radius * Math.sin(radians)), Cesium.Math.nextRandomNumber() * 500 + 1750);
        var image = images[1];
        if (i > 100){
            image = images[0];
                if (i > 200){
            image = images[1];
                if (i > 300){
            image = images[0];
    return property;

var pp = new Cesium.PointGraphics();

//Compute the entity position property.
var position = computeCirclularFlight(-112.110693, 36.0994841, 0.03);

var bb =new Cesium.BillboardGraphics();
bb.scale = 1.0;
bb.show = true;

var bb2 =new Cesium.BillboardGraphics();
bb2.scale = 1.0;
bb2.show = true;
var imgUrls=['../images/facility.gif','../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png'];
bb2.image = computeCirclularFlightImage(-112.110693, 36.0994841, 0.03,imgUrls);

var setImages = function(images){
   bb.image = computeCirclularFlightImage(-112.110693, 36.0994841, 0.03,images);

//Cesium.when.all([Cesium.loadImage('../images/facility.gif'), Cesium.loadImage('../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png')]).then(setImages);

//Actually create the entity
var entity = viewer.entities.add({
//Use our computed positions
    position : position,
    billboard :bb2 //using bb here does NOT work

//Add button to view the path from the top down
Sandcastle.addDefaultToolbarButton('View Top Down', function() {
    viewer.trackedEntity = undefined;
    viewer.zoomTo(viewer.entities, new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(0, Cesium.Math.toRadians(-90)));

Sorry, to really see it not work (properly), we need to replace:

//Cesium.when.all([Cesium.loadImage('../images/facility.gif'), Cesium.loadImage('../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png')]).then(setImages);


Cesium.when.all([Cesium.loadImage('../images/facility.gif'), Cesium.loadImage('../images/Cesium_Logo_overlay.png')]).then(setImages);

Ok, me (OP) again...

I just figured out that the issue has nothing to do with loading an image vs a url. The issue is that once I have set the billboard, I can not change the image property. So, if I replace the setImages function with the following, it works. So, my new question is whether this is ok to do (seems like maybe it is wasteful, in regards to resources)
var setImages = function(images){
    var img = computeCirclularFlightImage(-112.110693, 36.0994841, 0.03,images);
    var bb = entity.billboard;
    bb.image = img;
    entity.billboard = undefined; //this line doesn't actually seem to be needed, but I am calling out the fact that we are replacing the whole image
    entity.billboard = bb;



With the Entity API, you should be able to just change the image property and it will update. Take a look at this demo that changes the billboard image on mouseover:




Thanks, Hannah! One of the reasons that I was using loadImage was so that I could instead load a point if the image wasn’t available. I was able to finally get it going, though, thank you!