Making a Global Mapper TMS works in Cesium Sandcastle

Trying to show a nonprofit how Cesium could be used to communicate hazard data. I’m using a NOAA inundation dataset that I generated a TMS from using Global Mapper. I renamed the top level XML file to be tilemapresource.xml since that’s what Cesium was looking for

Here’s the XML

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tilemap tilemapservice="" version="1.0.0">
<title>LA Cat3</title>
<boundingbox maxx="-9862211.1374665" maxy="3913575.8482010" minx="-10488383.2731786" miny="3287403.7124888">
<origin x="-20037508.3427890" y="-20037508.3427890"></origin>
<tileformat extension="png" height="256" mime-type="image/png" width="256">
<tilesets profile="global-mercator">
  <tileset href="C:/Data/GISData/NOAA/LA_Cat3/8" order="8" units-per-pixel="611.4962263"></tileset>
  <tileset href="C:/Data/GISData/NOAA/LA_Cat3/9" order="9" units-per-pixel="305.7481131"></tileset>
  <tileset href="C:/Data/GISData/NOAA/LA_Cat3/10" order="10" units-per-pixel="152.8740566"></tileset>
  <tileset href="C:/Data/GISData/NOAA/LA_Cat3/11" order="11" units-per-pixel="76.4370283"></tileset>
  <tileset href="C:/Data/GISData/NOAA/LA_Cat3/12" order="12" units-per-pixel="38.2185141"></tileset>

Here’s the code I put into Sandcastle:

const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer");
const options = {
  canvas: viewer.scene.canvas,
  screenOverlayContainer: viewer.container,

var layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;
var noaa = layers.addImageryProvider(new Cesium.TileMapServiceImageryProvider({
    url: '',
    minimumLevel: 8,
    maximumLevel: 12,
    credit: 'NOAA'

noaa.alpha = 0.75;

It seems to fetch the XML ok and doesn’t overtly complain, but it keeps trying to load levels that it shouldn’t:
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 0 Y: 0 Level: 1.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 0 Y: 0 Level: 0.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 1 Y: 1 Level: 2.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 2 Y: 3 Level: 3.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 1 Y: 3 Level: 3.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 0 Y: 1 Level: 2.

and my browser console confirms this, showing attempts to load files like:

AFAIK, it shouldn’t load until we get to level 8. But, zooming in, the highest level it ever tries to access is 7

An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 16 Y: 25 Level: 6.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 16 Y: 26 Level: 6.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 32 Y: 52 Level: 7.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 32 Y: 53 Level: 7.
An error occurred in “TileMapServiceImageryProvider”: Failed to obtain image tile X: 32 Y: 51 Level: 7.

Both my Javascript and my XML say 8-12. What am I missing?

I have CORS headers set up so anyone should be able to try this themselves. You’ll get a CORS error when trying to access missing tiles because of 404s, but the actual XML and PNG files that do exist have CORS headers set properly and work.

Link is not accessible from my browser. Getting 404 Not Found error.

  • Regards

Precisely. That’s a level 4 tile that it shouldn’t be trying to load because the dataset only goes levels 8-12.
I’ve tried between 8-12 also. It’s not opening from browser. Tell us the link which is working.

is a valid with-data tile.

Should the Cesium loader even be trying to load levels 1-7 if I told it 8 was the minimum?

Check this similar post. Also try to use http instead of https.

I don’t believe http would work. The Cesium instance is loaded by HTTPS so it won’t load resources via HTTP.