Map Interaction

Concern regarding testing Cesium map interactions in our product. We are using Cypress with TypeScript to test our application. Once elements like polylines and polygons are plotted on the map. The elements get merged into the map and appear as a single canvas.

Unable to find selectors for these plotted elements and hence facing difficulties testing the entire product.

Hi, I have moved your question to the Cesium Js sub-forum. They will be able to assist you with your concerns better

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Hi @Amey_Dharmadhikari,

The plotted elements are rendered to a canvas via a Web GL context. They are not HTML elements, and therefor cannot be accessed via selectors or similar mechanisms.

We have had success in the past testing individual pixels in the rendered canvas with unit tests, and screenshot testing with Playwright. More info can be found in our Testing Guide.

Can you let us know what aspect you are looking to test? We may be able to provide a reccomendation.