Before switching to gltf tiles we showed underground part of a model using a red
backside color. Is there a similar concept for tiled models?
Thanks for your help
Great question - the short answer is yes! Are you familiar with this community forum thread?
It goes over ample details about underground features and backside colors in CesiumJS. I also found this thread that discusses picking entities that are underneath the terrain.
Do you have a particular use case or application in mind?
Great, our user liked that feature and we dropped it when we switched to tiles
Not much luck yet, also still considered open here
I probably explained it badly, pretty much what this sandcastle does on a a tileset
I am happy to hear that your user liked the feature! I took a look at your sandcastle demo and was not quite able to figure out what was going on. Did you send over the incorrect sandcastle demo by accident? This is what I am seeing on my end:
Could you tell me a little bit more about your use case? Looking forward to learning about what you are trying to accomplish using CesiumJS.
We used a depthFailMaterial to show parts of the model below ground, i stole the sandcastle from another thread about the topic… Now that our models are tiled that is no longer an option. It is still valuable information in construction which part of the model is below ground (line of sight). There is an open issue for it (above) but maybe there is a workaround?
Thanks for the information - I feel like I have a better understanding of your situation. I currently do not know of a workaround to the issue that you highlighted above. However, I can check in with the rest of the development team. In the meantime, do other community members have any suggestions?
Could i achieve this in a shader?