I am trying to display the path of the moon by using a CZML file that’s not actually a CZML file and is actually embedded in the html (I’m new to this, I don’t know what it is actually called) anywho the ellipsoid should have the material as seen in the link but it is just a white sphere moving along the path.
Here is the CZML snippet without the path points because there are like a 13,000 of them
var lunarOrbit_trajectory =
[ {
“id”: “theMoon”,
“ellipsoid” : {
“radii” : { “cartesian” : [ 1737000, 1737000, 1737000 ] },
“material” : {
“image” : { “uri” : “https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a004700/a004720/lroc_color_poles_1k.jpg” }
“label” : {
“fillColor” : {
“rgba” : [255, 255, 0, 255]
“font” : “bold 10pt Segoe UI Semibold”,
“horizontalOrigin” : “LEFT”,
“outlineColor” : {
“rgba” : [0, 0, 0, 255]
“pixelOffset” : {
“cartesian2” : [10.0, 0.0]
“scale” : 1.0,
“show” : true,
“style” : “FILL”,
“text” : “Moon”,
“verticalOrigin” : “CENTER”
“path” : {
“color” : { “rgba” : [150, 150, 150, 255] },
“width” : 1.5,
“position”: {
“referenceFrame”: “INERTIAL”,
“cartesian”:[ISO 8601 time format, x, y, z repeat a couple thousand times for each data point]}}];
And here is how I am loading the datasource into the viewer
var czmlDataSource2 = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource();
Any help on how to turn this Ellipsoid into the moon would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @mikeyboy897, this sounds like an interesting idea!
I’m not sure why this particular image is not working. I am able to use an image as the material on an ellipsoid: see this Sandcastle example. But when I try to use your linked image, it is all white.
Could you take a look at czml ellipsoid Can't load image · Issue #7676 · CesiumGS/cesium · GitHub and see if it matches your issue? If it is the same problem, you could reopen the issue.
This older thread sounds like a similar problem.
Hi @mikeyboy897, on second look, I think you may be running into a CORS problem. If I launch Cesium from a local server, and save the image locally in Apps/Sandcastle/images/
, then I get the following result with this local Sandcastle example
Obviously I didn’t set the ellipsoid scale and position correctly (the moon is not that close!), but the image is loading OK.