1. A concise explanation of the problem you’re experiencing.
I have set a billboard, with a position that obviously a Cartesian3
I should read the position of the billboard, but it’s not a Cartesian3.
As far as I can read in the docs entity position should be get/set as a Cartesian3.
I have no problem to set it, but when I read it I get this:
- l {_definitionChanged: r, _value: a, _referenceFrame: 0}
- _definitionChanged: r {_listeners: Array(1), _scopes: Array(1), _toRemove: Array(0), _insideRaiseEvent: false}
- _referenceFrame: 0
- _value: a {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
- definitionChanged: (…)
- isConstant: (…)
- referenceFrame: (…)
- proto: Object
What I would think I should get is this:
- a {x: 1511929.7969299257, y: -4653241.445375957, z: 4077985.572200376}
- x: 1511929.7969299257
- y: -4653241.445375957
- z: 4077985.572200376
- proto: Object
Isn’t it the ‘position’ property of any entity a Cartesian3?
If so, why I get an object in place of a Cartesian3?
2. A minimal code example. If you’ve found a bug, this helps us reproduce and repair it.
mybillboard.position = myCartesian3Position;