I have two points. Each is defined by lat/long/height.
I’m drawing a straight line in between them (I’m not concerned about following the surface of the earth, just a straight line is what I want).
Is it possible to calculate the midpoint between the two? Ie. Calculate the lat/long/height of the point that is in the middle of the line?
Thank you,

Hi Fidel,
This is a classic graphics math problem. To compute the midpoint between two points A and B, we an compute the vector between them by taking (B - A), normalizing to get the direction vector. Then multiplying this direction vector by magnitude of (B-A) multiplied by the fraction of the way we want to travel between them. Then you can just convert to Cartographic. Here’s the code for this: http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/?src=Hello%20World.html&label=Showcases&gist=d290d6e52cdeec93ac14c8a0aef1a8b6
You can also use linear interpolation to get an intermediate point. Let me know if you want to discuss that method also.
Hope that helps!
This is perfect Rachel! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much.
Could you please let me know about linear interpolation as well? I had been trying with Ellipsoid.interpolateUsingFraction() but I wasn’t getting a height component.