I have been provided with a number of 3D aircraft models in OBJ format. I used the online converter to convert the files to GLTF v2 format which seemed to work well. However, when I display the aircraft models in Cesium the models are either pointing nose up or nose down and either left or right wing towards the assigned heading (based on which transform I use).
I don’t have any experience (or understanding) related to using the transforms. I’ve tried all 4 of the built in transforms (eastNorthUpToFixedFrame, northEastDownToFixedFrame, etc.), but none of them provide the desired results. For instance here’s what I get with northWestUpToFixedFrame…
The models are all oriented in the same manner. So is there a method I can use to “transform” these models when I load them into Cesium so that their noses are pointing toward the assigned heading and they are oriented “as expected”?
I really appreciate any help with this!