FYI, I’m almost done with GPX support, all the geometric features are working and just need to be made “pretty”. There’s some issues with time dynamic Tracks but nothing I can’t fix in a couple of days. I’m improving test coverage right now and implementing some missing (non visual) features.
I’d appreciate any example .gpx files you can provide for me to test this further, also feel free to fork my repository and check out the gpx branch to test it yourself.
Patrick Cozzi, you mentioned Demos somewhere, could you please be more specific on what kind of Demos would be appreciated? Would I need to host a cesium app to showcase these Demos?
So I'm stuck writing my own gpx datasource code for cesium. Is this trivial, so you're leaving it to users to develop? I've got something to work, but really, your development efforts haven't helped me much in the last 3 years since you positioned cesium as a platform to replace the GE plugin.
Inability to clamp geoJSON polygons (or polylines) to terrain has left my live project in 2D google maps, while I waste valuable hours trying to make cesium work as a 3D GIS data viewer.
Geojson has had a clampToGround option since 1.23. With this set to true points, polygons and polylines are drawn on terrain. One caveat is that polylines are drawn as corridors, so the width is set in meters and not pixels.
I am trying to run gpx file in cesium. I found your github , downloaded cesium source, but that does not run. Can you please help me with that. I believe you already have gpx cesium support.