I’m trying to test almost all 3D Tiles examples/samples I can find about Cesium for Unreal project. Globe scope contents are fine, like World terrain, Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles etc. However, I’m facing difficulty with simple/basic examples:
My problem is I can’t focus to the tileset content easily. Say the tileset has a very small building data, a cube, or a terrain region like a neighbourhood. I want to focus to the content so that it becomes visible on my screen.
There is a Unreal editor shortcut “F” which focuses actors but this doesn’t work everytime. Usually, when I hit “F” key when my tileset with simple/small content is selected, Unreal viewport focuses to the content from a looong distance, so nothing becomes visible. The only way to make the content visible is to zoom in with appropratite zoom speed (so that you don’t miss the content when zooming) until the content becomes visible.
My question is, is there a way or shortcut in Cesium for Unreal so that I can focus on related tileset content with an appropriate distance which makes the content visible on my screen?