New: Annotations for Cesium Stories

Cesium ion Stories now include annotations! Add points, polygons, and polylines to your slides to create more effective 3D geospatial presentations.

View an example of a story with annotations.

There’s more we could do to enhance annotations and Stories generally, but we want to hear from you first. Are these features helpful? How do you use Stories? What would make them more valuable to you? Let us know in the comments!

Regards, Happy Holidays, and here’s to a great New Year!

Senior Product Manager, Cesium ion


Guys, that is interesting idea, but they are not working as in your demo.
I can make an annotation but when I share the story it does not have a popup or anything.
The line is there but there zero info about it no name nothing.

More over if I have a model loaded (photogrametry terrain) I cant annontate on it .
The annotation is made drawn on the base terrain. It can be tricked by selecting the measurment tool and then it drawn twice. on th emodel and on the terrain below. So I would say it is buggy as hell. Still you cant click it or in any way get popup with a name or text you want to share with the story.

Hi @Maciej_Eckstein. Thanks for that feedback.

I can make an annotation but when I share the story it does not have a popup or anything.

If I understand correctly you are expecting that when you click on a polygon or polyline you would get a popup with the name similar to points. Is that correct?

More over if I have a model loaded (photogrametry terrain) I cant annontate on it .

I see an issue well when the 3D Tiles is located away from the base terrain. Looks like the points are snapping to the base terrain but the line is projected on the tiles. I’ll open up an issue for our team to fix this.

Is this the same problem you were seeing?

yes and yes.
The annotation snaps to base dem not the model.

Good news! We have pushed out a fix for the annotations snapping to the terrain and not the 3d tiles. Please let us know if you run into any other issues.

ok, I see diffrent behaviour but still it does not have an real life use if the you cant mark anything on the loaded model.
Look at my story, The idea would be I paint annotation on the loaded model to show on the roof when I want to have my solar panel. That is immposible unfortunately.

The cursor snaps to your dem below that is only so so accurate. The only change is that when i paint on the DEM below I see the lines on the model above but they are projected from the dem.
I would see that other way round, you paint on model and project down.

Ahh… just noticed that point annotations work properly. but not the line and polygon

Thanks for letting us know again about those additional issues. I have opened issues for our team to track them. We are working to resolve them.

Can you tell us more about your use case for having the labels appear when you click on an annotation @Maciej_Eckstein? Would having the labels visible in the view meet your needs (like below) meet your needs, or is there something specific about the popup?

My use case as in the story I shared is mainly placing some solar panels. on various roofs aka models that I prepare with photogrametry, So I use Reality Capture and its direct upload to cesium and then look for the place to put panels. using measurement tools.

So i would see a need to draw a line or area, and put some comment next to it so I can remember where I put those.

There has been a fix published for drawing on 3d meshes. Point clouds may still have some issues.

@Maciej_Eckstein to confirm having the labels visible in the view (instead of on clicking the annotation) would be a viable solution for you?

I see some good behaviour annotation line coloring the model properly however something has been broken in the stories as the 3d performance dropped , the viewport stutters on panning and becomes unresponsive with FPS dropping into single digits. sometimes hanging for 5 seconds.
All that with littel

That is is both on edit stories and stories shared. I tried other browser (chrome) and that is the same.

Meanwhile Sandcastle with the photogrametry demo you have of similar complexity runs butter smooth on my RTX2080.

I have also seen that problem on the previous update you pushed, but I blamed that my browser was overloaded. but now it got to unworkable stated and I clean booted pc to debug it and something is wrong.