Hi everyone!
I am new to Cesium and was hoping someone could spare a minute to help me with a project I am about to start. I am hoping to create a web based 3D map of live London air pollution using a live model from a research group at my university for the data.
The model with the data is this (https://www.londonair.org.uk/LondonAir/nowcast.aspx), with tiled data points across the city.
I am hoping to produce a map with a similar aesthetic to this (London maps | 3D | LAEI NO2), but using the live data from the above source.
I would be very appreciative if anyone could give me some starting pointers. In particular what cesium tools to use for this type of data/desired output. Also any other important things to consider, any obvious issues that may arise, etc.
I understand that this is a very vague request but would be thankful for any input and happy to answer any further questions.
Thank you,