Next steps for 3D models in Cesium: glTF 2.0

Hi all,

There’s been fantastic progress on the next version of the glTF spec. At first, we planned glTF 1.1 as a “bug fix” release, but there’s been great progress toward Physically-Based Rendering (PBR) materials, which will now be included in the core spec so the next version will be glTF 2.0! PBR allows for more initiative material parameters and better visual quality.

See here for the complete story.

We are actively working on upgrading Cesium, COLLADA2GLTF, gltf-pipeline, obj2gltf, and the sample model to glTF 2.0. Our roadmap is in #4009.

The 3D Tiles spec will also reference glTF 2.0. There will be more news on the 3D Tiles spec soon!
