north and south pole mapping

In first thanks for your support.

I decide to start back from scratch.

I’ve try my program with the natural earth data provided with cesium

and I use this code :

var myown = Cesium.createTileMapServiceImageryProvider({

url : ‘[http://localhost/NaturalEarthII/’, //‘scripts/cloudXLb/](http://localhost/NaturalEarthII/’, //‘scripts/cloudXLb/)’

fileExtension: ‘jpg’,

maximumLevel: 2,


at this point everything is fine and the pole are perfect (cf image)

after I take my 30000x15000px image (.tif) with this tfw :







and I generate my tiles with gdal like this : --profile=geodetic -z 0-2 mypicture.tif myfolder

when I point my program to this folder I’ve got now this :

when I read the xml provide with the tile folder for both i have :

this for natural earth :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> NE2_HR_LC_SR_W_DR_recolored.tif


and this for my image :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TileMap version="1.0.0" tilemapservice="[](">




  <BoundingBox minx="-180.00000000000000" miny="-90.00000000000000" maxx="179.99999999999994" maxy="88.00000000000000"/>

  <Origin x="-180.00000000000000" y="-90.00000000000000"/>

  <TileFormat width="256" height="256" mime-type="image/png" extension="png"/>

  <TileSets profile="geodetic">

    <TileSet href="0" units-per-pixel="0.70312500000000" order="0"/>

    <TileSet href="1" units-per-pixel="0.35156250000000" order="1"/>

    <TileSet href="2" units-per-pixel="0.17578125000000" order="2"/>



As you see it’s really close.

how the result could be so different ?

what I’ve forgotten or made bad ?

Thanks for all.
