I have GeoJson file with structure like this:
"name" : "Ceste",
"type" : "FeatureCollection",
"features" : [
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "LineString",
"coordinates" : [
[ 14.784126954837147, 44.751569774747963, 22.852624448807024 ],
[ 14.784144357046641, 44.751555297588091, 22.802581355622205 ],
[ 14.78423523289271, 44.751479696440853, 22.073970366184071 ],
[ 14.784243682367348, 44.75147266716661, 22.044607577579942 ],
[ 14.784250616330484, 44.751466898672639, 22.010225830034699 ],
[ 14.784251598317018, 44.751466081739494, 22.003502991291107 ]
"properties" : {
"Entity" : "LWPolyline",
"Layer" : "CESTA",
"Color" : 2,
"Linetype" : "CONTINUOUS",
"Elevation" : 0,
"LineWt" : 25,
"RefName" : "",
"Shape_Leng" : 106.946785933
}, ...
I can access properties, but can't access geometry values.
I need to get coordinates in order to make polylineVolume to visualize pipeline on terrain.
If I can get entity.properties.Color, why can't I get entity.geometry.coordinates? How can I access coordinates and make polylineVolume from them?
var entities1 = dataSource1.entities.values;
var colorHash = {};
for (var i = 0; i < entities1.length; i++) {
var entity = entities1[i];
var name = entity.name;
var color = colorHash[name];
if (!color) {
color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom({
alpha : 1.0
colorHash[name] = color;
console.log("coordinates: " + entity.geometry.coordinates);
entity.corridor.material = color;
entity.corridor.outline = false;