Object under terrain in Stories


I was playing with the “Cesium Stories” features as I needed to share quickly some view.

But found out a weird bug, it seems that the ground is fixed at the WGS84 Ellipsoid, even when we choose the Google 3D tiles.
Therefore, most asset appear under the terrain, even though I used “CLAMP_TO_GROUND”.

This is happening for model, billboard, elipse and corridors. Somehow not for polygones.

I tried various options to make it works, but the only reliable one is to add an offset, which isn’t practical and not very “clean”.

This is not happening when I try the CZML in the sandcastle. I think it is a bit disappointing that something in the sandcastle doesn’t work in the stories, where we would expect a “smooth experience” as oppose to having to use the whole CesiumJS directly. Am I missing something?


When you say you used CLAMP_TO_GROUND for your assets, what was the base terrain you had selected? The height of the model is based on the base terrain that was selected when tiling the asset. So mean sea level would always adjust the heights of the model to be clamped to the WGS84 terrain irrespective of what other terrain you are using. You could try using other base terrains to see if the model aligns better with the Google dataset

The Google 3D Tiles are managed by them and might have height differences from our data products. If you are seeing any height inaccuracies I would advise you to open an issue with them.
