I am trying to make it so that I can use the “On begin cursor over” and “On end cursor over” events on Cesium3DTilesets that I spawn during runtime. For context, I am retrieving metadata from tilesets. I can successfully retrieve all the data when I left click on buildings. However, I can not figure out how to change it so that I can just hover over a tileset/building to get the metadata.
This is the tutorial I followed:
Is there any advice anybody can provide. Please let me know if you need additional details.
Thanks for the question @dyllan-aeroai! I believe you can accomplish this by following the linked tutorial, with the modification of using the Mouse XY 2D-Axis event instead of the left click event, to run every time the mouse is moved instead of every time it’s clicked, and then using the Convert Mouse Location to World Space node to obtain the location and direction to conduct the line trace in, rather than using the camera view as the source of these values.